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I help established SaaS companies increase signups with short, content optimization sprints

Maximize the ROI of your existing content.

How I Broke a Company Record in 90 Days was seeing a 9-month decline in total signups from blog content.

Signups were at its lowest in 2.5 years.

Thankfully, they were sitting on a MASSIVE content library, since they had been creating amazing content for years.

It was a goldmine — they just needed the right shovel.

What I Did:

I focused on three things: Freshness, SEO, and CRO.

#1. Their content was stale. Google hates stale content. So, I gave the highest-converting blog posts a much-needed facelift.

#2. After multiple algorithm updates, their content didn’t rank like it used to. They didn’t know how to navigate Google’s new preferences, but I did.

#3. Lastly, the CVR on certain blog posts could have been better. I implemented some CRO tactics, and CVR soared. 

The Outcome:

From their lowest signup month in 2.5 years to their best month in just 90 days.

But it didn’t stop there.

Every month that proceeded was another all-time high. This continued for 4 months.

Within 7 months, they went from 1600 signups per month to 4800. That’s a 3X difference.

Absolutely bananas.

Unlock the power of your existing content library.